Download the free and fastest 2021 AOL Shield Browser for the computer

If you are looking for a powerful and fast browser, then you are in the right place, the content of this article is about All Shield Browser, which offers great advantages that help the user to quickly browse all existing websites and has pioneering technologies in the field of protecting personal data, as it relies on encryption technology for incoming and outgoing information And, as it is known, this web browser is a developed model for the Chromium project, which has proven effective, and therefore there are many similarities between Google Chrome and this program.
In addition, AOL Shield has an anti-keylogging feature through which everything you type on your computer’s keyboard is encrypted to avoid data and data reaching hackers and intruders, and it should be noted that the browser stops advertisements that pop up from some web pages that are a source of inconvenience to the user The application supports Chrome extensions, which you can download through the store to expand additional features and tools that can help you in the browsing process.
All Shield browser features
Provides great speed in opening multiple websites
It encrypts the information that you enter via the keyboard
Feature to identify and block phishing sites that you may encounter
It includes a downloads manager with which you can download files from the Internet
Support for Chrome extensions which you can download from the official market
It offers stability with Windows and does not take up much resources
It comes included with a flash player so you can watch the videos online
Information about All Shield Browser
Program version: 79.0.3945.3
Program size: 580 KB
Developer: AOL Shield.
Program compatibility: Windows versions
License: Free